What are Cookies?
As is common practice with pretty much all professional websites and businesses, SmokeTastic.com (described as SmokeTastic in the rest of this page) uses cookies. Cookies are basically tiny files of data that are automatically downloaded to your pc and the whole intent of these tiny files is to improve the visitor's user experience. Here we will explain what information these cookies gather, how SmokeTastic uses them and why, on the odd occasion we need to store them. If you do not want cookies to be stored, then we will also explain how you can prevent this, however, this may 'break' certain aspects of SmokeTastic.com's functionality.
For more general information on Cookies see the Wikipedia article on HTTP Cookies.
How SmokeTastic Use Cookies
SmokeTastic use Cookies for a variety of different reasons, which is detailed below. Unfortunately, in the majority of cases, there are no industry standard methods for disabling these or any cookies without completely disabling certain types of functionality, features and in some cases the design that they add to SmokeTastic. If you are unsure if you need them then it is strongly recommended that you leave the Cookies on so there will be no impact on a service that SmokeTastic offers.
Disabling Cookies
If you are still intent to disable Cookies then this can be done by adjusting your browser settings. Navigate to the help section within your browser's toolbar and they will guide you on how to disable these cookies. Remember, by disabling cookies via your web browser will affect functionality on SmokeTastic and all websites that you visit with that browser. Therefore, we suggest leaning Cookies enabled.
The Cookies We Use
SmokeTastic uses two cookies, split into 4 Cookies. 3 of the Cookies are used for Google Analytics, this is one of the most popular and trusted analytics solutions provided by Google and helps us to understand how you use SmokeTastic and ways that we can improve your experience. These Analytical Cookies track data such as the pages you visited, how long you spend on SmokeTastic which helps us produce more engaging content for our readers. For more information on Google Analytics Cookies, see the official Google Analytics Cookie Usage page.
We also use a Cookie for Cloudflare. This Cookie is used to identify shared IP addresses and apply certain security settings. For example, if you were using a shared WiFi connection, then you may be faced with an extra security message confirming your identity. This is mainly for our protection and prevents any DNS attacks etc. For more information on this Cookie visit the official Cloudflare Support page.
More Information
SmokeTastic believes in the transparency of the information we store, and hopefully, this page has clarified how we use Cookies. Remember, as we said before, if your not sure what to do about Cookies it's usually safer to leave Cookies enabled, certainly when visiting SmokeTastic. If you are still looking for more information then you can contact us via our contact page.