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The complete CBD Vape oil guide

By: .
Last Updated: December 20th, 2018.


CBD Vape-Oil, CBD Hemp Oil and CBD E-liquid

There seems to be a lot of discussions about CBD oils for vaping right now and with that comes a lot of confusion! In this guide, you will learn the basics of CBD oil, how to vape it and hopefully, understand exactly what it is and the difference with other types of cannabis oils on the market. If you want to learn more about vaping CBD then check out vaping CBD guide.


The Basics of CBD Oil

CBD is short for Cannabidiol and is derived from the hemp tinctures of the male cannabis plant, it is because of this production method that the term CBD hemp oil is often misused to describe this CBD vape oil. Although the two terms are often used to describe the same thing, they are not the same at all:
Basics of CBD

  • CBD Hemp Oil: Typically used in lotions, balms, and other oils that can be rubbed directly onto the skin. They are sometimes also included in
  • CBD Vape Oil: Made specifically to be vaped

Therefore it is obvious to state: Do not try to vape CBD Hemp oils that were not made specifically for vaping!

One huge advantage with CBD Vape Oil is that you can vape it in your regular vape mod or vape pen, just fill the tank as you would any eliquid, add additional flavors if you like and vape away!


CBD Extract from marijuana

Is CBD Marijuana?

When everyone talks about cannabis or marijuana they automatically think about getting high. In fact marijuana has 2 key checmical compounds:

  1. Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) – This is marijuana’s most active ingredient and is the compound responsible for these mind-altering highs you experience when smoking cannabis.
  2. Cannabidiol (CBD) – This compound is not psychoactive so you will not experience this high, however, it does produce some changes to the body and is well known and documented for its medical benefits.

Note: Cannabis contains between 6-20% THC, whilst CBD Vape oil typically contains less than 0.3% THC as it cannot be withdrawn completely.

If your looking to vape cannibis then you best look at dry herb vaporizers as these devices have been specifically designed to vape, yes you’ve got it, dry herbs aka cannibis!

Is CBD Oil Vape Legal

Is CBD Vape Oil Legal?

This may seem weird, but CBD oil is not extracted directly from cannabis plants, instead, it comes from the 100% legal form of industrial hemp! This just means that the THC properties have already been removed (with less than 0.3%). This is available freely on the open market to be used as you would like.  From this hemp, the Vape oil is produced using other liquids such as PG and VG.

This process of producing the CBD Vape oil, make it 100% legal within all 50 states of the United States (including the District of Columbia).

The health benefits of CBD oil when vaped

Health Benefits of Vaping CBD Oil

There are a number of studies and medical uses of CBD which include the following:

  • Anti-anxiety
  • Anti-depressants
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Prevents plaque build up in your arteries
  • Anti-prokinetic
  • Stimulates bone growth and strengthens bones
  • Appetite control

These are just a small handful of uses of CBD oils.

Concentrates of CBD oil vape

What Concentrate of CBD Vape Oil Do I Need?

This is very hard to determine, as everyone is different in size and they are responsive to CBD will also be different. As opposed to nicotine types of e-liquid it is recommended to start with a low concentrate at around 100-250mg and slowly work your way up to around 400-1000mg per 30ml bottle if need be. If you start too high, you may feel a little sick.  One thing to add, the higher the concentration the higher the price!

Most CBD Vape oils are now nicotine free, but you can combine your e-liquids to get the perfect blend!


What Flavor CBD Vape Oil Should You Pick?

CBD vape oils are known to have a bit of an earthy and grassy taste, hence why CBD vape oils mask it by adding additional flavors. This really is up to you though, as you know taste is very subjective!

Many vapers actually use half of their favorite e-liquid and half of the CBD Vape oil in their tanks, to produce their perfect tasting vapor!

The Best CBD Vape Oils

We have put together a detailed list of all the best CBD Vape Juices, but take a quick look below to see the top 3 most popular CBD e-liquids:


The Best Isolate Vape Juice
Best CBD Vape juice from Koi

1st: Koi CBD Vape Juice

One of the best selling CBD e-liquids and one of the first manufactures of multiple flavors. Koi has built up a good reputation of producing a 100% pure CBD Isolate within their juices.

Vape Score


Based on CBD quality and vape smoothness.


The Runner Up

2nd: CBDfx CBD E-Liquid

CBDfx vape juice

Vape Score


Based on CBD quality and vape smoothness.
2nd Runner Up

3rd: Blue Moon CBD Vape Juice

Best CBD Juice from Blue Moon

Vape Score


Based on CBD quality and vape smoothness.
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Nicholas King
Nicholas King

Hi! I’m Nicholas King, the founder, and Chief Editor at SmokeTastic. As an ex-smoker and now vaping enthusiast for over 13 years myself, I understand the transition between smoking and vaping. My aim is to share useful information about all the different vape and e-cig products on the market, self-help tips, and detailed reviews.

I hope you find something on SmokeTastic that helps you with your decision process.

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